Why Superior A.R.T.?

Outgrowing Your Expectations

Superior A.R.T. stands out in IVF and genetic diagnosis across Asia as a leading infertility center. With world-class technology and knowledge transferred from our collaboration with the foremost A.R.T. providers overseas, Superior A.R.T. became an unrivalled infertility treatment provider, with the highest success rates of IVF and PGT, helping our patients save both time and expense as well as lessen suffering physically and emotionally from unsuccessful IVF.

Superior A.R.T’s Success Rate of Frozen Embryo Transfer by Age

Why Superior A.R.T.?


Why Superior A.R.T.?

Blastocyst Rate

Percentage of embryos which develop to Blastocyst stage


Why Superior A.R.T.?

Biopsy Rate

Percentage of embryos that become suitable for biopsy


Why Superior A.R.T.?

Utilisation after Thawing (ET) Rate

Survival rate of embryos before preimplantation genetic testing

Why Superior A.R.T.?

Superior A.R.T. Evolution of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) Technology with Higher Success Rates

Why Superior A.R.T.?